Medical Coding: Health Information Management

Physician practices often rely on uncertified coding personnel to complete their coding duties with the intention of keeping costs down. This can be problematic because of the complexities related to medical coding. Often times, this hurts practices in the long-run through high denials rates and decreased reimbursements.

Neelgreev has helped a wide variety of specialty providers (including but not limited to orthopedics, vascular, neurology, gynecology obstetrics, emergency room radiology, cardiology, and more) with their coding needs. Our certified coders ensure claims are quickly approved and correctly paid in full the first time, helping physician practices to both improve reimburse.

Neelgreev's comprehensive range of proven medical coding services and education solutions will raise the performance level of your coding organization to deliver outstanding quality and accuracy. Many n Thrive coding customers experience coding accuracy percentages in the high 90s. Our coding solutions can help you:

  • Ensure optimal quality with medical coding audits
  • Reduce discharged not final billed (DNFB) levels
  • Ease coder recruiting and retention challenges
  • Reduce lost reimbursements, coding backlogs and noncompliance risk
  • Improve accounts receivable days and cash flow

To become a quality-driven, value-based healthcare organization, healthcare providers need accurate and complete clinical documentation within their medical records. The best way to know and improve the quality of clinical documentation is through coding audits. Coding audits specifically target and review diagnosis and procedural code selection, as well as abstracting as determined by the physician documentation within each medical record.

Our medical coding audits can help you:

  • Ensure coder compliance with new regulatory requirements to mitigate risk
  • Improve results of internal and external audits to minimize risk exposure and increased external audits
  • Implement industry standards and leading practices to improve performance
  • Identify and repair areas of weakness with ongoing monitoring to avoid coding errors and subsequent denials
  • Improve hospital and physician profiling and scorecard data to position hospital for growth and improve external reputation

Medical coding is incredibly complex and keeping staff updated on all its nuances is both timely and costly. Healthcare providers need to implement or improve their provider education programs so they can improve documentation habits for accurate, compliant coding and improved reimbursements.

Neelgreev is a trusted source for provider education programs. We bring in our certified coding experts to provide the most up-to-date curriculum and ensure our clients’ educational objectives are soundly met. These services keep healthcare providers educated and help ensure maximized reimbursement throughout their coding operations.

Denials are a major part of the healthcare provider’s world. Even the very best coding teams will eventually face the issue of handling coding denials. The concern is when coding denials rates happen with a higher frequency over time or within certain circumstances.

Neelgreev provides coding denial services to help healthcare providers handle their denials backlogs and proactively prevent future denials. Our certified coding experts help to fix small but important issues, resulting in improved claims quality and increased reimbursements.

Most of the healthcare companies now find a tough challenge in getting a trustworthy partner in their billing and a process lifecycle; hence the challenge is sticking to the guidelines so that the TAT is reduced further and increases the dependency. As a Third Party processing center, we handle some of the most challenging work assignments in the Healthcare industry vertical. We stand as a Benchmark organization for most of the companies in improving the Revenue Cycle Management Stringent healthcare policies like communicating clearly and frequently with payers help us make the difference in Revenue Cycle Management. Quality and operational excellence to improve productivity and quality Transforming outcomes by improving focus and visibility on RCM We drive our business solutions from Employees, Physicians, Providers, & Insurance companies.

The purpose of a claim preparation clause is to indemnify a policyholder in relation to reasonable costs it incurs in preparing and presenting a claim. The clause effectively provides funds to enable a policyholder to engage an expert. Usually, the claim preparation clause is found as an extension to property damage and business interruption wordings, and it is applicable to all policies.

Provides rapid notification of claim receipt, status, and payment

Reduces clerical paperwork

Reduces staff time spent on follow-up and tracking

Eliminates cost for postage, envelopes and forms

Improves cash flow

Lowers outstanding receivables

Paper Claim is otherwise known as the conventional claim system in the medical domain. Any kind of claim that has been generated for reimbursements after expenditure has been billed to or funded by the plan member or both, which will create clear accounts in a healthcare unit or in hospitals. In maximum cases, clients do not accept- electronic data and in such cases, the provider takes the printed statements of the paper claims and mail to them on a daily basis. In the process of paper claims, when an invoice or bill is entered then the information regarding the claims are printed and dispatched to the appropriate person who is in charge of the payments.

An EMR contains the standard medical and clinical data gathered in one provider's office. Electronic health records (EHRs) go beyond the data collected in the provider's office and include a more comprehensive patient history. For example, EHRs are designed to contain and share information from all providers involved in a patient's care. EHR data can be created, managed, and consulted by authorized providers and staff from across more than one healthcare organization. Unlike EMRs, EHRs also allow a patient's health record to move with them? Other health care providers, specialists, hospitals, nursing homes, and even across states. For more information about electronic medical records and the differences between EMR Vs EHR, please visit the Health IT Buzz Blog. An electronic medical record (EMR) is a digital version of a paper chart that contains all of a patient's medical history from one practice. An EMR is mostly used by providers for diagnosis and treatment. Benefits of Electronic Medical Records:

An EMR is more beneficial than paper records because it allows providers to: Track data over time, Identify patients who are due for preventive visits and screenings. Monitor how patients measure up to certain parameters, such as vaccinations and blood pressure readings, improve overall quality of care in a practice The information stored in EMRs is not easily shared with providers outside of a practice. A patient's record might even have to be printed out and delivered by mail to specialists and other members of the care team.

Patient statements help you reduce your costs and save time by billing your patients quickly and efficiently. With patient statements, you can create a fully electronic billing and payment experience for your patients and leverage traditional print and mail statement workflow. You can print and mail your own patient statements or outsource the printing and mail to Neelgreev. By automating your patient billing process you can accelerate cash flow, lower your costs, and save precious time while providing greater convenience to your patients.

Payment posting helps you improve your productivity by automatically posting electronic insurance payments and streamlining the manual payment posting process. You can post insurance payments automatically with ERAs, post insurance checks from EOBs, post patient payments, and print receipts. By automating and streamlining payment posting, you can improve your productivity and save time.

Denials Processing:

Correspondence and denied claims are processed in daily batches by our team of experienced billing personnel. Taking a proactive approach to handling denials, we can improve your "days in AR" substantially.

Claims Follow-up:

Unpaid claims are first sorted and ordered by financial class. Then, our employees in this unit call on the appropriate insurance companies or self-pay patients (if requested) to aggressively resolve any non-payment issues.

Minimize lost reimbursements and denials with highly efficient systems and services designed to meet your needs. Maximize your effectiveness at collecting unpaid claims. Precision expertly tracks and manages timely follow up on all unpaid claims, ensuring that no time is lost on pursuing every reimbursement possibility.

Precision dedicates specific staff, well trained and experienced in denial management, to undertake this very important work. The software tools used by Precision's staff allow for well managed and timely follow-up on all unpaid claims. These same workflow tools allow for extremely detailed and useful reporting, making work done on denied claims very visible and make accountable all the resources devoted to this task.

Precision's team of experts is always available to offer immediate support to you and your staff no matter what the issue or problem may be.